Dutch Daulton: 0:00

This program is brought to you by A to B media partners. Be sure to listen to the After Two Beers podcast on Spotify, apple iTunes, soundcloud Stitcher and Pocket Casts. Also, make sure to visit wwwaftertubeerscom. Welcome to the After Two Beers podcast. I'm Dutch Dalton, joined as always by Kimmy Keblar. That's me and also joining us tonight. You are now officially like are you a four-time member? Five-time member, four-time, four-time that is absolutely the highest guest total we've ever had. You're pretty much co-host now and that is what. Do you want to go by? Puddin Summers, michael Michael.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 0:44


Dutch Daulton: 0:45

Puddin yeah, alright, there we go. My Christian name, god-given name, good name, alright, if you're new to the show. Basically, what we do again is Ghibler and Puddin and I. We sit around, we have a couple drinks and we discuss things that you may commonly discuss at a bar, or if you're sitting around some friends at, maybe, a bonfire this summer, or at a kid's ball game, or you're just, you know, getting kind of rowdy, you got a little loose, getting a little loose, and we talk about those kinds of things, and so if you're watching us or listening to us, think of us like that. So, you know, grab a drink and hang out with us. We're just hanging out, that's all we're doing, that's alright, just chilling. Yeah, and and we mean this sincerely we have an entire viewing room and we even have the door open now. So if you ever want to come down and actually watch these live, we would love to have you and we'd even get you to participate and that'd be fun. We also we've got some stickers. If you check out the podcast page on Facebook or whatnot, you can see some of our new stickers. And Missy Meyer and Dave yours are coming home with Puddin, so it's cheaper than shipping that way.

Kimi Gibbler: 2:03

I think we should just make them come pick them up next week.

Dutch Daulton: 2:05

There you go. I like it Alright. Coming up on this week's show, we are going to talk about the comedian Matt Reif.

Kimi Gibbler: 2:14

I like me some, matt Reif.

Dutch Daulton: 2:15

Yes, and then I want to talk about tipping. I think it's getting out of hand and I want to discuss it? I do. We're going to have Gibbler's Gibblets. We also have the insanely popular. Am I the Asshole?

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 2:32

Oh yeah, I love that Do you See?

Dutch Daulton: 2:34

I like it too. And then in A to B News a Rhode Highland manned. A Rhode what A Rhode Highland, not Island Highland. I don't even know what that means. A Rhode Island man was breaking into houses and stealing items for birthday gifts, so he's like Robin Hood.

Kimi Gibbler: 2:52

Taking from the rich and giving to the poor, yeah, You'll never guess what items he was targeting.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 2:57

Oh my yeah, I don't want anyone to know.

Dutch Daulton: 3:00

And last and then our second final story a bar in Australia is in trouble after they offered women free alcohol based upon their cup size.

Kimi Gibbler: 3:09

What's wrong with that?

Dutch Daulton: 3:10

I mean bigger the cup, bigger the cup. If you know what I'm saying, I cannot wait to drink from a gallon jug.

Kimi Gibbler: 3:20

Me too. The bigger the jugs, the bigger the jugs, that's right.

Dutch Daulton: 3:24

I want to make sure we give our thank yous to our Patreon sponsors. Without them, we wouldn't be able to do this. That's Eric, kevin, mike, brad, debbie and Jeremiah. Thank you all very very much, thank you. For helping support the show. If you'd like to help us out though a couple dollars in the old tip jar, we would greatly appreciate that. All you got to do is go to aftertubeerscom that's the number two, and then there's a link for Patreon and you can help us out for as little as a dollar a month Pretty darn cheap.

Kimi Gibbler: 3:53

Help us put some more of these in the tip, that's right.

Dutch Daulton: 3:55

And that's another reason why we love pudding so much is not only does he guest host, he shows up without all his kick ass.

Kimi Gibbler: 4:01

He said he just found him on the corner. That I care about, whatever.

Dutch Daulton: 4:06

And, lastly, we want to make sure we thank our buddy, Kevin Shook, who allows us to hang out with him and record these things here at East Studios, here at Global Media Enterprises. So if you're looking to do something very similar, reach out to Kevin. He can help you out with that. And if you'd like to sit in with us, we'd be more than happy to have you. And just in case pudding has to get called home or something, and so if you'd like to join, be one of our guest hosts, just shoot out a message and we'll put you on the list.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 4:39

Absolutely. It's a blast. I recommend anybody do it.

Dutch Daulton: 4:43

I'm glad you say that I wore the odorant just for you.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 4:47

All right, I didn't.

Dutch Daulton: 4:49

Now the first part of our show. Basically, what we kind of talk about is just stuff that I, or we, rather I just it seems like topic of conversation, and this is one that's right there right now, and it's comedian Matt Reif all over the place.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 5:05

Yes, everywhere.

Dutch Daulton: 5:06

Now I was introduced to Matt probably how very many of you were introduced to him and that was via Tik Tok, tik Tok, and really all I've seen of his comedy is he engages with the audience very quick with it, funny kid.

Kimi Gibbler: 5:22


Dutch Daulton: 5:23

And quite pleasant on the eyes as well. Really, I hadn't noticed, hadn't noticed I am the funniest thing is Amanda introduced me to him first and she said look at this kid. And I don't think she's that kid. She probably said look at this hunk of slobbering beautiful meat.

Kimi Gibbler: 5:45

No, he's a kid, he's my kid Right.

Dutch Daulton: 5:49

Well. So anyway, I was watching him and I'm like he's really funny and he got super, super popular Really really fast. And I said well, you know, it's because he's hot, right. And every woman I've discussed that with immediately is like no, no.

Kimi Gibbler: 6:06

I didn't see him as hot until after. He was funny because I think funny guys are hotter.

Dutch Daulton: 6:12

I so disagree, kevin, do you have the picture, that of Matt? There's multiple pictures of Matt, and now I want you to tell me again that the first thing you notice about this young man was his comedy.

Kimi Gibbler: 6:25

I didn't see him. He's been watching you guys too.

Dutch Daulton: 6:31

Yeah, yeah.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 6:33

I bet yeah, he's never heard of us like millions of people.

Dutch Daulton: 6:39

Now here's the thing, and it's probably going to be a shock to some. You know what I've seen of Matt. I think he's hilarious. Right and right now he's selling out everywhere that he goes Hard to get tickets. It's hard to get tickets, and good for him, Right and now, first of all and this is where I want to I wanted to talk about this and I posted this on Twitter. I also put it on Facebook that anytime a woman tells me, oh, he's so funny and has nothing to do with the way he looks, I immediately said I respond with and I only read it for the articles which is a bunch of bullshit. Man articles. Missy, I think we're still going. Yeah, hopefully your country interwebs get you back up there.

Kimi Gibbler: 7:23

Yes, Keep churning, keep churning. I think I'm going again.

Dutch Daulton: 7:27

Put a cat out there and scare that mouse around that wheel Anyway. So no, the guy's clearly hot, and it bothers me that we want to act like we want to ignore that, that women want to act like it doesn't matter. And these are the same women that would be more than happy to get 30 of them together to go watch Magic Mike. Right, I would think twice about it and I have never seen a single 50 shades, but I definitely heard about how popular those were.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 7:57


Dutch Daulton: 7:59

So the fact that women try to come off like it's not because he looks amazing. It's so full of shit because there's so many comedians that are just as funny as him. But that helps him get it and that's where I don't have a problem with it.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 8:14

So you've seen a where he interacts with the crowd, but do you think it's going to work? And he's bigger theaters, well, and that's only one element.

Dutch Daulton: 8:21

I haven't actually seen him provide jokes, but regardless, I'm on that side. Let me come off by saying that, first of all, the guy clearly is very attractive, right, and he's very quick with it and very funny, and I give anyone credit if they come up with a way to earn some extra dollars. I got nothing but love for that. My complaint is that men are always thought of as being the absolute asshole dirtbags, and women are just as horny, if not horny, especially when they get above 35, 40 years old. And I just wanted to be known that you're targeting me right now.

Kimi Gibbler: 8:58

No, you are a part of the masses.

Dutch Daulton: 9:00

But the weird part about this for me, he is now clearly you think he's, he's hot, right, he's pretty hot.

Kimi Gibbler: 9:08

But see, I see him as a kid too, though.

Dutch Daulton: 9:10

Yeah, you didn't say that until I said he was born. This was. I was thinking about this. If he had come to our high school graduation, he'd have still been shitting his pants and taking a booby to get fed, and I still do that she was still in his mom's womb when we graduated. No, he was born in 1995. I checked, I looked out 1995.

Kimi Gibbler: 9:33

Oh gosh.

Dutch Daulton: 9:34

Yeah, so we graduated 96. He was a year old at your graduation party. That's the wild part. Right like, at what point are you not like a dirt? Because If I was trying to tell you about a comedian, that was a woman that was in her 20s and, like all these girls, are so funny. That's the only reason I like watching her.

Kimi Gibbler: 10:00

You were spanking his ass, just in a different way. He was calling me mom.

Dutch Daulton: 10:06

But but in all seriousness, much love to the guy and, uh, I I really do think you know, hey, if you're gonna make money for it, I mean, he's funny. He is funny, he's funny and people that, and comedians are funny yeah about it, because Most comedians look like me and puddin they're fat or ugly or bald or out of shape. And they hate, and I mean this sincerely. Oh yeah, comedians hate attractive comedians, pretty boy. Yeah, they hated dain cook, not just because he stole jokes, that was mainly why they hated me. They hated him because he was attractive, right. Think about it Some of the greatest comedians are just dog ugly, right and and you're, and then you're.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 10:49

Kenison, oh right.

Dutch Daulton: 10:52

Rodney danger field, right? No respect, no respect. Oh man, I love it. Well, good to you, mr Rife, much love to you. If you ever want to come on the show which you'll never hear about us, ever. The only time we ever hear about comedians on this show Is you're gonna have to do something really stupid in the next five years and you're gonna need to have to, like, come back up and then that's how you come on the after two years yeah yeah, all right, let me talk about another thing that's just starting to irk me and I want to know if I'm the asshole. So the other day I go uh I travel for my real job a lot and I'm eating at a restaurant Lafayette, indiana, was a noodles and company love that place and uh, I go up and I give them my order, much like I would at, uh, um, a subway or anywhere else. They prepare the meal and are going to prepare the meal and, as I pay. It asks me Do I want to give them a tip? And I'm like, man, this is a, this is a tough deal here because I really, and this is truth. Oh, and I'd love to get people's feedback on this. I don't feel like they've done anything up to this point. That's tip worthy right. But they also haven't prepared my meal yet, and I got.

Kimi Gibbler: 12:11

You're a little afraid to not tip. Yes, they're gonna spit in your noodles.

Dutch Daulton: 12:15

What, what?

Kimi Gibbler: 12:15

even that I ordered shrimp and I swear I was like you know it's gonna be roll. You know I wouldn't worry about that.

Dutch Daulton: 12:21

It's like you know. I guarantee you there's got to be a dock Like no tip to shrimp gone. Oh yeah there has to be right. Six five right and I don't know that. But my, what I'm really wanting to bitch about is the fact that they want they. They've gone to this Method now where everybody pays for cards and they want a tip for everything and you feel like a dick, like I hit no tip on it, right, and then now we have this awkward pause.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 12:51

I swear I'm like looking at him and he's looking at me and I feel like he wants to turn around, go.

Dutch Daulton: 12:57

We got a spitter here, if you know what I mean. I mean a large farva. He's like yeah, exactly that's I. Just that's how I felt and I just want to know if everyone else feels the same way, because it's odd for me, in Certain places, to to ask for a tip right.

Kimi Gibbler: 13:17

Well, I mean, it's like so I had that moment at Golden Corral, but at the Golden Corral they're at least bringing me my drink, yeah, and refilling it. What did?

Dutch Daulton: 13:26

you go to the Golden Corral.

Kimi Gibbler: 13:28

Oh my god, they have amazing breakfast buffet. Yeah they have banana bread, french bread or French toast, what so it's like sliced up banana bread and then dipped and then, oh yeah, I don't know why I'm chubby, but no, that's they. They've actually got a really good breakfast buffet.

Dutch Daulton: 13:49

So how much do you tip I?

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 13:50

Ended up bringing you drinks.

Kimi Gibbler: 13:52

I you know because I work in this. I Work in the service industry too, so I'm typically a 20% up even there.

Dutch Daulton: 14:01

Yeah, so she or that person could be it was a he he deserves as much as you deserve For doing what he did versus what you do I.

Kimi Gibbler: 14:12

Don't know. I honestly don't know. Like you know, obviously, if you are just like, if you're a server in a restaurant where you're going back and forth and you're Getting their drinks and getting the food and making sure everything's refilled and all of that, you know servers make two to three dollars an hour and Even if you don't tip your server, they still have to tip out the bussers, food runners, bar tenders. So there's, you know, ideally, there's times. Or if you don't tip your server at a restaurant, restaurant, they're actually losing money, but isn't?

Dutch Daulton: 14:50

that partially on, not even partially and but that's.

Kimi Gibbler: 14:54

I'm with you, though, because I mean it's, like it's said, a pin station too. You know that I guarantee that they're making minimum wage. And I have a hard time tipping them 20% when you know.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 15:08

I'm just standing there waiting on my sandwich, somebody bringing my food and I'll tip more that way than to me just bringing me drinks. I'll tip them, but it won't be as much as the other person. Yeah.

Dutch Daulton: 15:19

Yeah, tipping is really gotten out there. We saw a story, aj, they were just watching TV the other day and it was a Restaurant that I think they served ice cream and they were. They would not allow the employees to receive tips, but they were paying them $21 in power, right, and they were charging more for the food, but you never had to tip and I, you know, here's the thing. I am not a problem. I don't have a problem tipping. I buy shots like it's my job for people. I don't have a problem with it. Hey, it's that that whole awkwardness of? Is this enough? You know, like, what happens when they're shitty? Do you still tip?

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 15:58

Yeah, they want to house the point.

Dutch Daulton: 16:01

I know, I know so like they suck ass, they take forever, they never come back for refills and and you still giving them 20.

Kimi Gibbler: 16:09

You don't know what's going on in people's lives that day.

Dutch Daulton: 16:12

Yeah, but if I do a shitty job at work, they're not gonna go. My dog pissed on the floor again. Well, it's alright, here's some more money.

Kimi Gibbler: 16:24

I know, but I do believe. I do feel like During quarantine COVID quarantine I think that's when it, you know, started happening, where you are tipping people because they were staying open, essentially. I mean that you were, you know, tipping the people because they're still working through it.

Dutch Daulton: 16:42

I think there's a lot of business owners that look at it like this. I can add that tip suggestion now, yeah, to my screen. That was never there before. And Then, as my employees start getting tips, I don't have to raise their wages. I can say you get the same wage plus, now you get tips. Yeah, and that's what pisses me off when I go to places and AJ Bust my balls about it every time. Every restaurant now wants you to round up yeah, round up to help the kids at the boys and girls club. This money ain't going to the boys and girls club, like, and even if they do make a donation, that's just so they can make a donation and then take the tax write off at the end of the year. I'm paying for Taco Bell To get a tax write off, yes, but in her mind, I'm helping these kids direct, like I'm walking to their house and handle them. 38 cents.

Kimi Gibbler: 17:30

That it got rounded up. Let's be honest if we're gonna round up at Taco Bell, it better be for a heart association.

Dutch Daulton: 17:39

It's a lot of truth to that. All right. Well, I'd love to get everyone else's feedback. Give us a chance or not give us a chance? You should give us a chance. If you get a chance, take a moment to send us a message and let us know what you think. Tipping if it's gotten out of hand. You know it's just, it's everywhere now. Yeah like I. Here's the problem with tipping to. It's like feeding a dog and then it keeps showing back up.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 18:05

You're like get away, you know like I felt bad.

Dutch Daulton: 18:08

Now I feel like I have a dog, like we go to the milkhouse here. Mm-hmm and we tip for sodas, and then there's times I don't tip and I feel like they're looking at me like I'm like. I don't want to have to pay three dollars for a soda every time.

Kimi Gibbler: 18:23

To be fair, it's because we're too lazy to get out of our car and go in somewhere. Dollars for a soda, it's got the good ice and it's in the Styrofoam cup. It's the best things.

Dutch Daulton: 18:36

It's the, it's the cup. Honestly, what do you care about the ice when?

Kimi Gibbler: 18:39

you know that pellet ice man.

Dutch Daulton: 18:41

I love the pellet until the lid comes off. It's about that styrofoam cup. Like I was so sad.

Kimi Gibbler: 18:49

Donald's got rid of styrofoam cups cuz.

Dutch Daulton: 18:51

I remember, I remember the.

Kimi Gibbler: 18:53

McDonald's has the best soda.

Dutch Daulton: 18:54

They had styrofoam sandwich holders.

Kimi Gibbler: 18:56

Oh, yeah, big Mac one.

Dutch Daulton: 18:58

Oh, oh. They had that one that like hot was on one side and cold was on the other.

Kimi Gibbler: 19:02

I Know it's perfect cuz you could put your ketchup in there to dip your fries amazing.

Dutch Daulton: 19:07

And then Nothing burned prettier on a fire than some of those things. Oh my god, you know what. You throw one on there, and it reminded me of that plastics fire we had. Only it was 12 million pounds of sandwich containers. People in Ohio still hate us for that one. All right, we're gonna keep moving. We're dragging a little bit, that's my fault. We're gonna jump into the. Am I the asshole? This one's kind of a long one, but this one's a really it's a doozy. I think there's so many elements to this that just shows the difference now between Gen Xers and Millennials and Gen Z's, because the way young people a deal with drama and even some of our own age, it just floors me. All right, all right.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 19:54

Here we go.

Dutch Daulton: 19:55

All right, and I the asshole for posting videos of my niece and nephew misbehaving in Response to my sister's complaints that I did not want them at my birthday dinner. That's the headline, so let's get into it Okay my sister, angel, claims to use hands-off parenting with my niece Sophia and nephew Parker, and In actuality angel is entirely permissive and refuses to discipline them. She expects other adults to step in when Sophia and Parker's behavior is getting out of hand. So when every time I hear hands-off parent, I think lazy ass right Want to be the bad guy. It just don't want to do nothing. No, I mean, that's just. I want to sit on the couch and I'm gonna tell you that I'm a hands-off parent, but in reality I'm watching TV. That's right. Right, thinking how much I hate my husband. My husband's not funny like this kid. For this reason, I asked angel to get babysitter for Sophia and Parker if she wanted to attend my 27th birthday. I love Sophia and Parker as their aunt, which clearly she doesn't love them that much. And at that time I want a peaceful excuse me, a peaceful evening to celebrate my birthday, instead of dealing with Sophia and Parker's behavior, because I know angel isn't going to discipline them herself. All right, so we got a lot here going on. You've got a lot of kids. How many kids? You got five. Five have have at any time of their Growing up? Have they been a little unruly? Maybe one or two of them. Oh, absolutely now, have you ever had anyone that invited you to something and asked you not to bring the basketball team?

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 21:49

No, okay, it's my behave.

Dutch Daulton: 21:51

Ah, okay. Oh, that's interesting. I'm hands-on.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 21:55

Now I was gonna say have you had his wife all?

Kimi Gibbler: 21:58

she has to do is give him a look and they're like, oh shit. Now Let me ask the inverse.

Dutch Daulton: 22:02

Have you ever invited people to something and ask them not to bring their kids? Oh, okay, gibbler. No no, that's, this is becoming more popular, right? It's kind of weird, right.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 22:17

See, it'd be hard for me if they don't want me to bring my kids. I mean, I know they're getting older so they can watch themselves, but yeah all right, let's keep going you thinking about that cuz, I can already.

Kimi Gibbler: 22:29

There was a different type of situation. Type of here comes no this is.

Dutch Daulton: 22:33

This is good stuff here. This is where the after two beers kicking Angel acted understanding when I made for, made the request and explained my reasons to her in person, but then she went online and made a Facebook post accusing me of hating Sophia and Parker and trying to punish Angel by only inviting our sisters, jessica's kids, megan, to my birthday dinder. Never mind that Megan is 17 and practically an adult herself. This is all kinds of shit messed up. Oh my god. So there's three girls? Yeah, I'm assuming. Yeah we got this 27 year old's her birthday. We got an older sister. Clearly she's got a 17 year old daughter. She's cool with her. She doesn't want the two punk ass kids showing up. She intentionally tells her not to bring her own sister. I Don't want those two kids here.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 23:22

What kind of 27 year old still having a birthday party?

Dutch Daulton: 23:26

Yeah, that's funny coming from you. My favorite part is how angel handled this by going online. I that's the part I was talking about. I don't understand it, but I've actually had some friends of mine that got divorced and I got to learn all about how it was going, not by asking them, but by reading reading, reading right. Yeah, and it amazes me the generation of people that are just loving to spread their own fucking drama, yeah, on social media, yeah, and that's what this feels like. You're like she's going out there. What angels doing? Here is what we see so many people do. Right, they're trying to build their warriors like can you believe my cunt sister?

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 24:13

Half of them don't care. The other half are happy. You have problems.

Dutch Daulton: 24:16

Oh my god. Anyway, several, several of our relatives and mutual acquaintances called me out and said I was an asshole for Excluding a 10 year old and a seven year old. I responded to angels post and this is where it gets even better by sharing two videos of Sophia and Parker misbehaving, while angel did nothing. The first video was taken by Megan I don't know who Megan is that must be the 17 year old where Sophia and Parker were throwing tantrums and yelling at her. Megan was trying to calm Sophia and Parker down while I, angel, was on her tablet, ignoring the situation. Hands off, parent Off. The other video was one that angel took. Sophia and Parker were yelling, throwing toys at each other, and Parker even called his sister a bad word. Angel was laughing as if it were funny and was again doing nothing to discipline Sophia or Parker. What do you think so far?

Kimi Gibbler: 25:15

I think if you don't want our kids coming, you don't invite her.

Dutch Daulton: 25:18

Oh, that's another interesting. She said I wrote alongside the videos that I love Sophia and Parker as their aunt. She tried to pull that shit earlier. She clearly doesn't because she's embarrassing the shit out of them. But at the same time, a when a peaceful evening to celebrate my birthday and I don't want to be stuck discipline Sophia and Parker because clearly angel won't angel ended up not coming to my birthday at all, my parents told me that I was wrong for sharing these videos Because everyone's children have acted up and posting these videos didn't accomplish anything Besides embarrassing angel. That's not true. She embarrassed those kids.

Kimi Gibbler: 25:59

But angel also like, made it a big deal and made it public.

Dutch Daulton: 26:04

Yes, so she says. They also said I could have compromised by having a nobody under 18 rule for my birthday dinner. Megan would not be able to attend then, but Sophia and Parker Wouldn't feel excluded. I do not see how that would be fair to myself or Megan. She clearly likes Megan.

Kimi Gibbler: 26:21

She likes Megan.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 26:21

She hates each other.

Kimi Gibbler: 26:22

She's her buddy.

Dutch Daulton: 26:24

So the question is am I the asshole for not wanting to make compromises for my 27th birthday dinner?

Kimi Gibbler: 26:35

That's a tough one, hell yeah, she's an asshole yes, and no, because, like, if you're out to eat, do you want like unruly kids running around everywhere?

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 26:45

and I just that's when I stick my foot out. I Got to say this sounds.

Kimi Gibbler: 26:49

I'm the asshole for tripping kids Okay.

Dutch Daulton: 26:52

This sounds so entitled to me that it's I. It's only about me, right, it's my. I mean, how often do you celebrate a 27th birthday? I mean that's almost three to 30.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 27:05

Yeah, you know well, that's a three to 30 party, right it just I'm so.

Dutch Daulton: 27:11

I'm just surprised by I Don't know to me. I look at it like that my kids are my kids. Yeah and if my kids aren't good enough for you, then I'm not good enough for you, absolutely, and that's how I look at it. And then if you don't like her parenting style, then just tell her, say, hey, I Sometimes you got to be the bigger person and not have a 27th birthday party. Yeah, if there's gonna be drama involved, yeah right and then the end. Missy Meyer says put, don't put your drama on social media. Smack your kids when they need it. I, I'm with. I just I never understood. I went through a divorce. You've gone through a couple, you've gone through one or none.

Kimi Gibbler: 27:53

I'm fine.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 27:54

Oh fuck, are you on the show?

Dutch Daulton: 27:56

I Never, and I can say this for you, I never saw anything. I Never badmouthed my ex at all, right, because I also have kids, right and those kids mean the world to me, and so if I'm badmouthed on their mother, all I'm doing is making their mother look bad, and it's their mom right.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 28:17

I just never understood it anyway, yeah, she's an asshole, oh yeah.

Dutch Daulton: 28:29

Not your ex-wife. No, all right. Well, all right, Well, all right. So you see the asshole, or no? Yeah?

Kimi Gibbler: 28:37

I was wondering as far as like okay, so it's a 27th birthday party in Are you buying for everybody? Do you know what I mean Like? In that case, then you can kind of be like I.

Dutch Daulton: 28:49

I'm going to go out of the limits.

Kimi Gibbler: 28:50

I'm not paying for your kids to come and show up and their parents to pay for Not eat any of the food that I paid.

Dutch Daulton: 28:57

I also would be interested and I didn't read it in this, but I be I. It just sounds to me like she doesn't have kids and it's a totally different spectrum. When you haven't dealt with an unruly kid. You know, you can always tell the parents that have had kids, and then the ones that are just like oh, they got PTSD. They don't overreact because they're high on something. They eat an edible on the way there, All right. Well, I'd love to hear from everybody on the on the show if you're listening or watching. Is she the asshole? We should start doing a survey on these things. All right, give. Are you ready for your giblets?

Kimi Gibbler: 29:36

All right, let's see here. I don't have too too too many of them, but Okay, here's a good one. So the cast of stand by me Accidentally got high from pot cookies. So, according to keeper Sutherland, the stand by me cast once went to a Renaissance fair near their shooting location. They bought cookies from the fair. However, they had accidentally eaten pot brownies. The crew found Jerry O'Connell high and sobbing somewhere in the park. I'm like just picture them in the fetal position, because weren't they? I mean, they were essentially all pretty young.

Dutch Daulton: 30:17

Oh, they were all elementary middle school kids. I mean, if you remember the film Jerry O'Connell's Short be fat. Hey, that's me yeah like a bull haircut like kind of thing, and and and well uh, River Phoenix. Yes was in that and Cory Feldman. Oh yeah, and who was the kid?

Kimi Gibbler: 30:40

now, some of them probably had already had pot brownies before, let's be honest. But oh, they were young Did you imagine like you're, like I don't know what the hell's going on.

Dutch Daulton: 30:49

Oh my god what's your favorite part of that movie? I?

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 30:53

Know you're gonna say the leech scene.

Dutch Daulton: 30:55

Oh no, that's a good one. I was gonna say I think it's mine is when the it was Lardas oh Took the castor oil before he did the the pie eating Down. Now, lardas, all right, all right, what's your?

Kimi Gibbler: 31:15

next. Okay, um, so in the 19th century, horizontal refreshment was actually the sling for sex.

Dutch Daulton: 31:30

Oh really horizontal refreshment.

Kimi Gibbler: 31:32

Yeah, I thought it was hilarious.

Dutch Daulton: 31:36

Because that's Bill Cosby's favorite.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 31:41

He got the horizontal refreshment he gave him out. He's like hey.

Kimi Gibbler: 31:46

I want you to try this.

Dutch Daulton: 31:47

It's called a Jello shot man. That guy was everyone's favorite parent for years.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 31:58

Meanwhile, he was obviously hands-on.

Kimi Gibbler: 32:02

Hands-on parenting. Okay, oh, I thought this one was, you know, obviously ironic and funny. Uh, the founder of matchcom Lost his girlfriend to a man she met on matchcom. I.

Dutch Daulton: 32:22

You know honestly, it's gotta walk away going. Well, that's a good commercial right. It clearly works it works, it works yeah.

Kimi Gibbler: 32:30

Gary Kreman didn't even break a sweat, according to match cream and cream and. Kr E M E N Kramer.

Dutch Daulton: 32:38

Oh no, I was thinking. It involves a horizontal refreshment.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 32:42


Kimi Gibbler: 32:51

Oh, um. So here's a little funny uh bit of information. Next time you're watching Jurassic Park, remember this the raptor noises were created by recording tortoises having orgasms.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 33:04


Kimi Gibbler: 33:07

I never heard of that before.

Dutch Daulton: 33:10

I want to hear them now. It sounds so weird, doesn't it?

Kimi Gibbler: 33:15

Yeah, we need some sound bites of a Jurassic Park raptor noises.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 33:20

I wonder who called that the first time, what is? That, that's tortoises having sex.

Kimi Gibbler: 33:24

It's just tortoises doing it.

Dutch Daulton: 33:27

Oh, that's funny, All right, um, uh. What would it sound like if it was you? What would that tear down? That?

Kimi Gibbler: 33:37

raptor nope, nope, not going down that. Um, okay, here's another uh it.

Dutch Daulton: 33:46

Would you be like shh, you're gonna wake fez.

Kimi Gibbler: 33:51

Hold on, let's move to the floor. So the bed's not squeaking.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 33:57

It's a weird sounding dinosaur Um.

Kimi Gibbler: 34:01

A sound engineer once got accidentally high on ls lsd while cleaning in the old radio. So when eliot kurdus tried to restore an old bucla model 100 synthesizer, he ended up tripping on 50 year old lsd. He only noticed a crystalline substance that had gathered on the radio, which he wiped off, since he found it in a dark closet at a university.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 34:26

Oh, there we go. I'm pretty sure that's not.

Dutch Daulton: 34:32

Jurassic Park, but it sounds like a turtle having a damn good time.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 34:36

That's me walking up a flight of stairs.

Dutch Daulton: 34:42

Oh man, he's mixing up a batch of turtle wax. When he gets done, that shell's gonna be shiny as hell.

Kimi Gibbler: 35:01

Since he found it in a dark closet at a university, the psychedelic components were preserved. The lsd residue dissolved in his hands and got him into a nine-hour trip.

Dutch Daulton: 35:11

Yeah, this sounds like bullshit. I'm sorry, honey. I was working on a radio I found in the dark.

Kimi Gibbler: 35:26

Let's see here. Alligators spend their entire life with an erection. It never goes down.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 35:34

Oh, call me a gator.

Dutch Daulton: 35:50

All right, let's do one more give way okay, hey, uh, shoot.

Kimi Gibbler: 36:04

Yeah, I don't know, I guess ready for some news, let's do the news, all right.

Dutch Daulton: 36:10

We're gonna do two news stories and then we're gonna wrap it up this week. Uh, the first one comes to us from road island, not highland. Highland A uh 30 or uh 32 year old man in road island named benderman Nodrosky is facing felony charges after police say he admitted to breaking into homes To steal adult bedroom novelties which he planned to give away as birthday gifts.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 36:42

Oh my gosh, I hope you had some lisa wipes I want to know like, yeah, just break in.

Dutch Daulton: 36:48

You're like we're all the dildos. So many birthdays coming up.

Kimi Gibbler: 36:54

Can't wait to give my grandma this. She said she was getting into crafting. I got us some beads.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 37:08

I got her a rose.

Dutch Daulton: 37:09

It's a rose. The robberies occurred over the past few weeks. He was also caught in the process of stealing a makeup kit from another home, and another homeowner caught him trying to break in through their bathroom window. In that case, he later told police he was attempting to buy weed but was at the wrong place.

Kimi Gibbler: 37:29

I wasn't stealing anything, I was just buying weed.

Dutch Daulton: 37:32

Oh, I thought this was the place where you come through the bathroom window to buy the joints. Yes, every time Would you take a gift from a birthday? I mean, they, they don't. They come in boxes, right Like it would just be just like what this thing smells, a little funny.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 37:50

Why is it wet?

Kimi Gibbler: 37:54

What's this thing that looks like grimace.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 38:02

Why does it smell like shit?

Dutch Daulton: 38:04

Man this one's been turtle waxed. In addition to the felony charges, he has been ordered to complete a mental health screening.

Kimi Gibbler: 38:14

You think?

Dutch Daulton: 38:15

Yeah, which is probably a good idea. That guy, he oh man. Nothing weirder man, I just want your dildos and plugs.

Kimi Gibbler: 38:25

I am the best gift giver.

Dutch Daulton: 38:28

I don't want TVs or jewelry. This came from the heart.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 38:32

This came from the heart.

Dutch Daulton: 38:34

And the ass the heart on. All right, here's our second and final story before we wrap it up. A nightclub in Australia called Wool shed on Henley.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 38:48

Huh, yeah, exactly Okay.

Dutch Daulton: 38:50

It's Australia. There's a lot of things that can kill you. They're in hot water. After promotion, they offered women free drinks based upon their bra size. A an add on social media said the bigger the better, and that women would get one drink for a drink for an a cup bra, two for a B cup, three for a C cup and so on.

Kimi Gibbler: 39:13

I'm drunk, okay, yeah, let's go with it.

Dutch Daulton: 39:17

If that.

Kimi Gibbler: 39:17

I'm liking this idea.

Dutch Daulton: 39:19

Yeah, you can. Uh, if that wasn't bad enough, they also encourage women to remove their bras, saying if your bra was uncomfortable, hang it up and let loose. And that means you as well, boys, absolutely. Let's go In case you wear bras a dude.

Kimi Gibbler: 39:38

I wonder if they were talking about, like, losing their drawers or something. Yeah, yeah.

Dutch Daulton: 39:43

Yeah, uh, they're nut. The bar canceled the promotion and apologized in a Facebook post. They claim they never intended for people to feel uncomfortable and body shamed in our workshopping ideas for different promotions that promote a fun, safe and inclusive environment for all. These are 18 year old boys right that that own this bar Absolutely.

Kimi Gibbler: 40:07

We went all the big movie girls.

Dutch Daulton: 40:09

All the big movie girls. The next one's gonna be Cosby night Putting shots. Uh, their drink. Their highlight is the horizontal refreshment. Yeah, that's a new drink.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 40:21

It's a new drink. Oh my gosh. Drink to the summer.

Dutch Daulton: 40:24

Oh, I just. This is hilarious to me that they didn't think they were going to get in trouble for it, but this sounds like a bar on East street here in Richmond.

Kimi Gibbler: 40:34

Sorry, I'm going back to the horizontal refreshment. Do you remember that grapefruit soda from squirt? Yes, okay, got it. Sorry, continue.

Dutch Daulton: 40:48

This mom joke brought to you by him, okay.

Kimi Gibbler: 40:51

Oh shoot.

Dutch Daulton: 40:52

Uh, would you go to this club?

Kimi Gibbler: 40:55

Obviously I would.

Dutch Daulton: 40:58

I want to know how they had to prove it.

Kimi Gibbler: 40:59

I got enough for a six pack here, guys.

Dutch Daulton: 41:03

Oh man, we could have taken a vampire.

Kimi Gibbler: 41:07


Dutch Daulton: 41:08

Oh yeah, yep, get a little pony cake Anyway, all right. Uh, amanda must be skeptical of presents from Chris.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 41:20

I ain't giving her that shit either.

Dutch Daulton: 41:24

I, uh, I was born with the only toys she did. I'm just kidding, I sometimes you just need a little buddy to help you out.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 41:34

You know what I mean. A little tag, sometimes you can be the starter.

Dutch Daulton: 41:36

Sometimes you can be the closer, it don't matter.

Kimi Gibbler: 41:41

Just make sure it doesn't sound like you're starting a generator when you turn it on Right, yeah, yeah, there you go.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 41:51

Like on a Christmas vacation they have to throw the auxiliary.

Dutch Daulton: 41:58

All right, all right. I greatly appreciate you guys for sitting in with us.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 42:04

Puttin', thanks for coming back. Thanks for having me back again. I love it. Oh, I'd love having you, buddy.

Dutch Daulton: 42:08

I mean, that's sincerely, and, like I said, we've got stickers. If, uh, if you guys show up and um, and just come and hang out with us, we'll give you some for free and we're going to send some home with Putin and um, we'd love to have people come and hang out with us and have a drink with us and and uh, we'll have a good time.

Mike “Puddin” Summers: 42:29

Yep, thanks yeah.

Dutch Daulton: 42:30

And then make sure you check us out on our Facebook page and Instagram, twitter. We don't really do a whole lot on those, but uh also, uh, check out our webpage. You can find links to past episodes that we've done and, uh, we don't really have any events or anything coming up. I'm just going to keep doing these, I guess. So again thank you to all our Patreon sponsors. Uh, we greatly appreciate you. And, uh, if just send me a message with your address and uh, I'll send you some of these as well. And uh, thank you to Kevin Again, as always, thank you to Amanda, uh, for putting up with me. She, uh, it, uh, it's. You know she is a saint, that is true. All right, uh, I guess without further ado, Ghibler, we say it at the end of every show and it is without question the most important thing we say, and that is, if you see someone that you think is struggling, they probably are. Just reach out to them, ask them how they're doing, how their week is, ask them if their kids sucked ass this week, whatever it you know. Ask them if they want a sticker. But, uh, just ask them anything. Just talk to them. You'd be surprised how something so small might mean the absolute world to somebody in their darkest hour. So, all right, thank you both again.

Kimi Gibbler: 43:42

Thank you.

Dutch Daulton: 43:43

And uh, we'll have to come up with something you put in. But uh, ghibler, without further ado, I guess we'll talk to them all next time.

Kimi Gibbler: 43:50

After two years.